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Inter-Allied Rhineland Commission

Intergovernmental organization
Location of Rhineland
Occupation of the Ruhr:
Ruhr (1923-24)
Breakaway state:
Rhineland Republic (1923-24)
Status Intergovernmental organization
- 1920-1930 Paul Tirard
December 1, 1918 Allied occupation begins
January 10, 1920 Treaty of Versailles
January 24, 1923 US forces withdraws
August 23, 1923 German Ministry for the Occupied Areas established
December 31, 1929 British forces withdraws
June 30, 1930 End of Allied occupation
March 7, 1936 Rhineland re-militarized by Germany

The Inter-Allied Rhineland Commission was an intergovernmental organization established by the Treaty of Versailles (|) to administer the Allied occupation of the Rhineland after World War I (|). Stipulated in the treaty was that the Allies had the right to occupy the German territory west of the river Rhine, along with a number of beachheads, to secure German repayment on war damages.

France, Belgium and the United Kingdom appointed commissioners while the United States had observers at the commission.


  • Paul Tirard () (January 10, 1920 - June 30, 1930)


Germany between the World Wars

